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I just love to draw.


My love for the post-apocalypse was born and moulded a few years back whilst watching "The Twilight Zone (1959-1964)", "A Boy and His Dog (1975)" and playing the "Fallout" game series.


I have begun to draw my nearest town Čakovec and places around there set within the post war future. Last year after I had been let go from my job I had alot of time on my hands. In a way it was something bad that had happened to allow something good to blossom, I guess.


All my work is hand drawn with pencil, traced with black ink, scanned and then digitally coloured in Photoshop. It is a long process but I enjoy working on it very much.


You are able to view my work under the "Drawings" section.


May the force be with you.


Mario Vadlja / bounce


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